Our kits are sustainably made

Because our kids and our planet deserve more

We are not perfect.  But both of us want a positive future for our kids and we think that means making products as sustainable as possible.

We order from local people.  We support NZ made.  This has meant our laser cutting and other expenses are high because in New Zealand we have a legal minimum wage.  What this really means is that you and us have chosen to pay the real cost of the product – instead of demanding everything super cheap and passing the cost to humans (unethical low cost labour) and the environment.

We use farmed wood for our kit-set pieces and avoid plastic wherever possible.  For example, we are moving to silicon wires instead of plastic covered ones.

We use cardboard and paper for our packaging.  Some of our items arrive in small plastic bags.  Rather than throw them away and “greenwash” our product, we have decided to use these up and we put our tiny pieces into these bags.  We encourage you to re-use these bags for screws or earrings or any one of a million small items around your house.  Once these bags are all gone, we will switch to small paper bags.

We aim for as much as possible of our kits and packaging to be reusable, compostable and recyclable.  The packaging can go into the compost or be reused, and we have ensured that you can use rechargeable batteries in our kits.

We are proudly designed and made in New Zealand.

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Our kits are well designed

Our kits teach real skills